How to Tell When You Are Overbooked and Underpaid

Have you ever just sat at your computer and stared at the screen? You feel like you have so much to do that you have no idea where to start??

That, my friend, is called being overbooked! It can sneak right up on you without you even knowing. How do I know, you ask? Well, I was once in your shoes!

Don’t get me wrong, being overbooked can be great if you’re charging the right prices…but if you’re overbooked and underpaid, well then, girl, we have a whole new set of issues!

If you want to hear my story of how I went from overbook and underpaid to scaling to six figures and working part-time hours, listen to this episode of the Virtually Free Podcast!

Accepting That You Are Overbooked and Underpaid

When you find yourself spending more time in front of the computer and less and less time doing the things you actually want to be doing like hanging out with friends and family or traveling, you are overbooked.

When you spend more time trying to organize your day and what to do first, you are overbooked.

When you are working more than 40+ hours a week, which in our defense, is easy to do when clients because super comfortable with us, you are overbooked.

When you constantly feel like you need one more client…if you could just get $500 more a month…you are underpaid.

When you are spending too much time clocking your hours and billing your hours, you are underpaid!

I could go on and on! 

The first thing you have to do is accept that you are overbooked and underpaid. Thinking you need to get more clients is not the answer…it could be part of it, but there is so much more to it! Often we feel like we need more clients because we want or need more money, more moola! But the reality is we need to scale.

Break the Cycle of Overbooking

I get it completely! You want to make more money but have no more time to give. You might feel a small panic arise in you when a new expense presents itself or when a client drops in hours, but when you scale your business, that panic seems to disappear.

Imagine no longer feeling stressed out or bogged down with work but making more money. That sounds like a dream, right?! It starts by scaling.

Scaling for the Win

Scaling your business means you are bringing on sub-contractors to share the load! You pay them, and they do the work! It allows you to focus on bringing in more money and clients while not taking on the actual work!

In 2019 I scaled my Virtual Assistant business, and I went from being overworked and underpaid (granted, I was already making 6-figures at this time!) to overjoyed and MAKING MORE MONEY than ever!

If you are a freelancer or Virtual Assistant with a business that is working, meaning you are actively getting discovery calls and adding business to your books, you need to scale & I want to show you how!

Come hang out with me on Instagram and watch my stories for a super special announcement! 

There is more to life than working it away. Live virtually free and scale your biz so that you can get back to doing what you love most!


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